[QURAN: Bani Israeel - Chapter 17 Verse 82]
Allah Subhana wa Taala has created a cure for every illness. The medicine will only work as long as it is Allah's will. If it is not Allah's will that a person should get better, then no medicine in the world will heal that person. Therefore never think that it is the medicine that has cured the person. It is Allah who cures the sick. If Allah wills that a patient be cured, then He will command the medicine to work. If need be Allah can even command dust to act as medicinal cure. At the same time Allah can command the most expensive and best medicine not to work. It is the command of Allah for a patient to seek for a medicinal cure.
Those who rely totally on Allah and do not seek a cure no evil thought will enter their minds. They will constantly be thanking, praising and glorifying Allah. For them it is permitted not to seek medicinal cure. But our Nabi Kareem Muhammad has sought medicinal cure and informed us of medicinal cures. Muhammad did this to set an example for his ummat (community) to follow. For this reason we should seek a cure. We should also be patient and thankful and believe that Allah loves us dearly even more than a mother loves her baby.
Whatever Allah does, it is for our benefit. Whenever we are ill our sins decrease. When we are patient our status in the hereafter increases and disasters are averted from us. All egotistic feelings are reduced. In patience we become humble. Those of us who were big headed become helpless in every way. In health and fitness we are heedless and reckless. In sickness we realise our mistakes and count our blessings.
For Muslims, an illness is a great blessing and reward from Allah. But in this illness there is also a great trial for us. We should be thankful to Allah in all conditions especially in sickness. We should be patient and happy with whatever Allah has written for us. We should never become disheartened and utter anything which we may regret later. Allah forbid that we should start saying "Am I the only person Allah could find to make ill?", "I am cursed with bad luck!", and other words to these effect. With such words a believer keeps losing his faith in Allah.
Reflect on the previous lines. The patient has suffered an illness and lost all the reward for it. Spent lots of money on medicine and did not get cured. Lost the belief by uttering unlawful words with the tongue. Lost everything in this world. If, Allah forbid, the patient does not repent and dies, then the patient has died as a non believer. That person will have lost entire life's worship in a moment of desperation and he or she will lose everything in the next world. May Allah save us from making such mistakes and losing our faith.
Now, consider if we make a little effort and strengthen our heart and mind and resign to the fact that if this is what pleases Allah we are willing to sacrifice our lives. If we show patience and do not utter any unlawful words and then die in this condition, imagine the reward that Allah will bestow on his servants who sacrificed their life relying on Him. If on the other hand we get better and regain our health and fitness, we also gain an immense reward and status from Allah. We have maintained our faith and gained in this world and in the hereafter.
For this reason with dawa (medicine), dua (prayer / zikr) is also essential so that Allah Subhana wa Taala cures through the hand of Hakeem (doctor) so that both Hakeem and patient both receive their rewards from Allah. Both the Hakeem and patient must be firm in their faith in Allah so that Allah may cure the sick. And in the hereafter both the Hakeem and patient shall be in the light of faith Insha Allah.