1. First read any DAROOD 11 times.

2. Then read the following prayer 11 times or 41 times or 101 times or 111 times.

3. Then end with recitation of the DAROOD 11 times.

Ask Allah to send the HADIYA (Reward) for the DAROOD to Nabi Muhammad . Then ask Allah Subhana wa Ta Ala for assistance. INSHA ALLAH.
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We sent down in the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss
[QURAN: Bani Israeel - Chapter 17 Verse 82]






Allah Subhana wa Taala has created a cure for every illness. The medicine will only work as long as it is Allah's will. If it is not Allah's will that a person should get better, then no medicine in the world will heal that person. Therefore never think that it is the medicine that has cured the person. It is Allah who cures the sick. If Allah wills that a patient be cured, then He will command the medicine to work. If need be Allah can even command dust to act as medicinal cure. At the same time Allah can command the most expensive and best medicine not to work. It is the command of Allah for a patient to seek for a medicinal cure.

Those who rely totally on Allah and do not seek a cure no evil thought will enter their minds. They will constantly be thanking, praising and glorifying Allah. For them it is permitted not to seek medicinal cure. But our Nabi Kareem Muhammad has sought medicinal cure and informed us of medicinal cures. Muhammad did this to set an example for his ummat (community) to follow. For this reason we should seek a cure. We should also be patient and thankful and believe that Allah loves us dearly even more than a mother loves her baby.

Whatever Allah does, it is for our benefit. Whenever we are ill our sins decrease. When we are patient our status in the hereafter increases and disasters are averted from us. All egotistic feelings are reduced. In patience we become humble. Those of us who were big headed become helpless in every way. In health and fitness we are heedless and reckless. In sickness we realise our mistakes and count our blessings.

For Muslims, an illness is a great blessing and reward from Allah. But in this illness there is also a great trial for us. We should be thankful to Allah in all conditions especially in sickness. We should be patient and happy with whatever Allah has written for us. We should never become disheartened and utter anything which we may regret later. Allah forbid that we should start saying "Am I the only person Allah could find to make ill?", "I am cursed with bad luck!", and other words to these effect. With such words a believer keeps losing his faith in Allah.

Reflect on the previous lines. The patient has suffered an illness and lost all the reward for it. Spent lots of money on medicine and did not get cured. Lost the belief by uttering unlawful words with the tongue. Lost everything in this world. If, Allah forbid, the patient does not repent and dies, then the patient has died as a non believer. That person will have lost entire life's worship in a moment of desperation and he or she will lose everything in the next world. May Allah save us from making such mistakes and losing our faith.

Now, consider if we make a little effort and strengthen our heart and mind and resign to the fact that if this is what pleases Allah we are willing to sacrifice our lives. If we show patience and do not utter any unlawful words and then die in this condition, imagine the reward that Allah will bestow on his servants who sacrificed their life relying on Him. If on the other hand we get better and regain our health and fitness, we also gain an immense reward and status from Allah. We have maintained our faith and gained in this world and in the hereafter.

For this reason with dawa (medicine), dua (prayer / zikr) is also essential so that Allah Subhana wa Taala cures through the hand of Hakeem (doctor) so that both Hakeem and patient both receive their rewards from Allah. Both the Hakeem and patient must be firm in their faith in Allah so that Allah may cure the sick. And in the hereafter both the Hakeem and patient shall be in the light of faith Insha Allah.

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اَلاسْمَاءُ الْحُسناى


Their qualities, values and significances.

An excerpt from the Urdu translation of Hisnu Haseen by Maulana M Rafeeq Hathurani

An excerpt from the 99 Names of Allah by M Siddiqi

An excerpt from the Most Beautiful Names compiled by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

To use wazifahs, Quran Ayats, Asma-ul-Husna, etc. we should take
priority in fulfilling our obligatory (fard) acts. Today, it is
surprising, that we as Muslims neglect our Fard Salaah and then at
times of worldly difficulty, we turn to Allah to take benefit from His

Salah, obligatory on every Muslim should be given preference over
everything. After fulfilling these Fard acts, surely our Dua's will be
accepted. Therefore be punctual in our 5 times Salaah in order to gain
full benefit.

When adopting a particular Name as Wazeefah (which one intends to recite daily) add يَا before the Name and illiminate the اَلْ. For example اَلرََّحْماَنُ will be said as يَارَحْماَنُ and not يَااَلرََّحْماَنُ
  1. Remove Doubts and uncertainties
  2. To Remove hardheartedness
  3. To be safe from worldly calamities
  4. To become wealthy
  5. To be safe from spiritual sickness
  6. Cure for sickness
  7. Protection from all harm
  8. To purify external and internal conditions.
  9. To be independent.
  10. To inspire awe in the hearts of people.
  11. To be successful in any task.
  12. To be safe from all calamities.
  13. Barren Women.
  14. Desire for children.
  15. Forgiveness.
  16. To remove worldly love.
  17. To be safe from poverty & starvation.
  18. Abundance of sustenance.
  19. To illuminate the heart.
  20. Knowledge and wisdom.
  21. Protection against hunger and thirst.
  22. To be independent.
  23. To gain victory against enemy.
  24. Independence from Allah's creation.
  25. To be granted respect and dignity.
  26. Protection from enemies.
  27. Acceptance of prayers.
  28. Strengthening the eyesight.
  29. To perceive all secrets.
  30. To make the creation subservient.
  31. Afflicted with difficulty.
  32. Elimination of insatiable desires.
  33. To be safeguarded from all calamities.
  34. To gain respect.
  35. To remove grief and worry.
  36. Removing financial difficulty.
  37. To achieve your aim successfully.
  38. Regaining job with honour.
  39. Protection against all disasters.
  40. For desires to be fulfilled.
  41. Protection against all types of evil.
  42. To gain honour.
  43. To gain respect and esteem.
  44. Protecting wealth from all harm.
  45. For prayers to be accepted.
  46. Achieving internal and external richness.
  47. For work to be completed.
  48. Disagreement between husband and wife.
  49. Cure for all diseases.
  50. Heart full of wisdom and knowledge.
  51. Obedience of the wife and children.
  52. When something is lost.
  53. Protection against natural calamities.
  54. Oppression.
  55. A woman who does not produce milk.
  56. Good habits.
  57. Removal of bad habits.
  58. To make the creation subservient.
  59. Miscarriage.
  60. Missing person.
  61. Cure from sickness.
  62. Gaining control over desires.
  63. Protection from sicknesses.
  64. Attain honour.
  65. Nourishment from food.
  66. Heart full of divine light.
  67. To remove fear from all creations.
  68. To become independent.
  69. Disgrace one's enemy.
  70. Fulfillment of difficult tasks.
  71. Unharmed on the battlefield.
  72. To become near to Allah.
  73. Wish for male children.
  74. Removing the love of Allah's creation.
  75. Clear eyesight.
  76. To reveal internal secrets.
  77. Protection of the house.
  78. Menstruation pains.
  79. Safe guarding child from all calamities.
  80. Sincere repentance.
  81. Unable to take revenge.
  82. To be forgiven.
  83. To remove anger.
  84. To become rich.
  85. To be respected.
  86. Protect against all evil doubts.
  87. Disorientated families.
  88. Abundance in wealth.
  89. To be granted self-sufficiency.
  90. Creating love between husband and wife.
  91. Protection against all physical and spiritual calamities.
  92. To become successful.
  93. Enlightening the heart.
  94. To be guided.
  95. Fulfilling aims.
  96. To be safe from every type of danger.
  97. To be free from worry and grief.
  98. When in doubt.
  99. Removing difficulty.

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Prosedur Fatwa

Apa Itu Fatwa?

Dari segi bahasa: Memberi jawapan / penjelasan bagi sesuatu masalah agama.
Dari segi istilah: Penjelasan mengenai hokum syarak oleh Mufti bagi sesuatu masalah agama berdasarkan dalil syarak sebagai jawapan kepada sesiapa yang bertanya, baik secara sendiri atau berkumpulan.
Proses memberikan jawapan dibuat sama ada secara bersendirian oleh sesaorang Mufti atau secara berjemaah oleh sesebuah Jawatankuasa Fatwa atau Majlis Fatwa.

Adakah Fatwa Disyariatkan Di Dalam Islam?

Islam mensyariatkan umatnya bertanya kepada orang yang berilmu sekiranya mereka mendapati sesuatu masalah itu tidak jelas hukumnya. Firman Allah s.w.t:
Bermaksud: “…Maka hendaklah kamu bertanya kepada Ahl Al-Zikr jika kamu tidak mengetahu”. (Al-Anbiya ayat 7)
Bidang-Bidang Fatwa
* Isu atau masalah yang timbul dalam masyarakat dan belum jelas hokum mengenainya
* Pendapat yang berbeza antara ulama yang memerlukan pemilihan (tarjih)
* Isu-isu telah difatwakan di negara-negara lain yang perlu disesuaikan mengikut keadaan setempat
* Isu-isu yang bersifat global dan berkaitan dengan kepentingan umat Islam

Apakah Prosedur Untuk Mengeluarkan Fatwa?

Prosedur yang diamalkan dalam pengeluaran fatwa di Singapura ada termaktub dalam Akta Pentadbiran Hukum Islam seperti berikut:
* Permohonan fatwa
* Dipertimbangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa
* Fatwa dikeluarkan oleh Pengerusi, Jawatankuasa Fatwa (Mufti), apabila sebulat suara Jawatankuasa Fatwa dicapai

Bagaimana Jawatankuasa Fatwa Mengeluarkan Fatwa?

* Dikaji dan dibentangkan dalam Jawatankuasa Fatwa
* Lazimnya, mengikut pendapat muktamad dalam mazhab Syafie
* Jawatankuasa Fatwa juga boleh memilih pendapat-pendapat Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah jika ia bersesuaian dengan maslahah umum
* Mengikut kaedah Fiqh Al-Aulawiyaat iaitu meletakkan sesuatu pada kedudukan yang sewajarnya, samada dari segi hukum, nilai mahupun perlaksanaannya. Perkara / amalan yang lebih utama hendaklah didahulukan, berdasarkan penilaian syariat dan akal
* Jawatankuasa Fatwa akan merujuk juga kepada pendapat-pendapat sahabat, tabiin, imam- imam mazhab dan fuqaha dengan penelitian terhadap dalil-dalail dan implikasinya.

Apakah Sumber-Sumber Rujukan Mengeluarkan Fatwa?

Sumber rujukan utama mengikut susunan: \
* Al-Quran
* Al-Sunnah
* Al-Ijmak
* Al-Qiyas
Antara Sumber rujukan lain:
* Saddu Al-Zarai’e
* Al-Masalih Al-Mursalah
* Al-Urrf / Al-‘Adah Muhakkamah
* Syr’u Man Qablana
* Al-Istishab
* Al-Istihsan
* Kaedah-Kaedah Fiqh

Bolehkah Fatwa Berubah?

Fatwa boleh berubah mengikut perubahan zaman, tempat dan keadaan. Antara faktor utama perubahan fatwa ialah maslahah (keperluan umum) kerana syariat Islam terbina di atas maslahah manusia dunia dan akhirat.

Siapakah anggota Jawatankuasa Fatwa Muis ?

Jawatankuasa Fatwa Muis dianggotai oleh para ulama tempatan yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang syariah, berpengalaman dalam hokum hakam agama dan berwibawa.
Berdasarkan Akta Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam (AMLA), anggota Jawatankuasa Fatwa terdiri daripada:
* Mufti negara Singapura (Pengerusi Jawatankuasa)
* Dua orang ulama daripada anggota Majlis Tertinggi Muis
* Dua orang ulama yang bukan anggota Majlis Tertinggi Muis

Bagaimana Cara Memohon Fatwa?

Untuk mendapatkan fatwa bagi keperluan peribadi, permohonan boleh dibuat melalui surat atau lelaman internet.
Permohonan melalui surat:
Hantarkan surat permohonan anda bersama butir-butir peribadi yang lengkap. Seperti, nama, alamat, no talipon, dan no. kad pengenalan ke alamat:

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
273, Braddell Road
Singapore 579702
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Puasa Sunnah

Bilakah hari-hari yang disunatkan berpuasa?

Hari-hari yang disunatkan berpuasa ialah :
1) Puasa 6 hari di bulan Syawal.
2) Puasa Rejab dan Sya'ban
3) 9 hari awal pada bulan Zulhijjah
4) 10 Muharram
5) Puasa hari Isnin dan Khamis
6) Puasa pada 13,14 dan 15 setiap bulan.

Apa itu puasa enam dan apakah ganjarannya?

Puasa enam adalah puasa selama enam hari, berturut-turut atau berpisah-pisah, di bulan Syawal. Niatnya adalah: Sahaja aku puasa enam esok hari kerana Allah Ta'ala.
Ganjaran puasa Ramadan yang kemudian diikuti dengan puasa enam adalah seperti berpuasa sepanjang tahun.

Haruskah seseorang itu puasa enam secara berturut atau boleh dipisah-pisahkan?

Puasa 6 hari di bulan Syawal boleh dilakukan berturut-turut atau dipisah-pisahkan.

Bolehkah seseorang itu puasa enam dan berniat sekali qadha' puasa Ramadan?

Ulama berselisih pendapat tentang qadha puasa Ramadan dan puasa enam, mana satukah yang perlu didahulukan. Ada ulama berpendapat bahawa wajib qadha dahulu sebelum puasa enam, kerana qadha adalah wajib dan puasa enam adalah sunat, dan wajib perlu didahulukan atas sunat.
Ulama lain pula berpendapat bahawa boleh puasa enam dahulu sebelum puasa qadha. Untuk jalan keluar, sekiranya seseorang itu mampu, hendaklah dia qadha puasanya dahulu sebelum puasa enam. Tetapi jika tidak mampu, maka boleh puasa enam dahulu.
Tetapi tidak dibolehkan niat puasa enam dan qadha sekaligus kerana wajib dan sunat tidak boleh disatukan dalam satu

Bolehkah seseorang itu berpuasa pada hari Sabtu sahaja tanpa berpuasa pada hari sebelum atau selepasnya?

Berpuasa pada hari Sabtu bersendirian adalah makruh, iaitu tidak disertakan puasa pada hari sebelum atau sesudahnya. Ini adalah kerana Islam menghormati agama lain, dan hari Sabtu adalah hari perayaan orang-orang Yahudi, sepertimana hari Jumaat adalah perayaan orang Islam, dan hari Ahad untuk orang Nasrani. Maka, Rasulullah s.a.w tidak menggalakkan kita berpuasa pada hari Jumaat sehingga Ahad jika tidak diikuti dengan puasa pada hari sebelum atau sesudahnya. Namun, puasa itu tetap sah.
Hukum ini adalah untuk semua puasa sunat, termasuk puasa enam Syawal.

Benarkah orang yang tidak pernah berpuasa sunat dilarang berpuasa pada pertengahan hingga akhir Sya’ban?

Dalam sebuah hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad, Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda: “Apabila telah sampai pertengahan Sya'aban, maka berhentilah puasa.”
Para ulama berselisih pendapat tentang hukum hadith ini. Sebahagian mengatakan bahawa hadith ini lemah. Sebahagian yang lain pula menerima hadith ini dan berpendapat bahawa hukum berpuasa selepas Nisfu Sya'ban adalah makruh sahaja, kecuali bagi mereka yang sudah terbiasa berpuasa, seperti puasa Isnin dan Khamis, dan juga mereka yang perlu membayar qadha' puasa Ramadan yang lepas.

Bolehkah diteruskan puasa sunat seseorang yang sentiasa terlupa melafazkan niat?

Puasa sunat boleh diteruskan walaupun seseorang itu terlupa berniat pada malam sebelumnya, selagi mana dia jatuhkan niat puasa sebelum waktu Zohor. Jika dia jatuhkan niat selepas waktu Zohor, maka tidak sah niat tersebut dan tidak sah puasa itu.

Bolehkah seseorang itu berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura sahaja atau haruskah dia berpuasa pada kesemua sepuluh hari pertama bulan Muharram?

Adalah sunnah untuk berpuasa pada sepuluh hari pertama bulan Muharram. Walau bagaimanapun, dibolehkan juga untuk berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura sahaja, dengan syarat ia tidak jatuh pada hari Sabtu.
Jika hendak berpuasa pada hari Sabtu, hendaklah diikuti dengan puasa pada hari Jumaat atau Ahad.
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